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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Not Using The Site Anymore

My New Blog go to it.

(TypePad integrates with Facebook and Twitter better, and that is a significant advantage over Blogger... Plus I use this more to convey points)

Real Life #TheGame Moment

Today in the middle of class, our teacher said an idiosyncratic phrase (idiom)... "get your game going"... At first this girl said, "we're playing a game right now?" and everyone laughed, and then this kid tried to explain #TheGame to my English Teacher.

(#TheGame is a concept in Twitter, an abstract concept that if you see, hear, or think about #TheGame, then you immediately lose it)

So he was all like "And I have just made you lose the game" so I shouted out "The Game!"



Chimpmunking is just a plain amazing art in which you take a PERFECTLY good song, or just a plain miserable song, and make it PLAIN EPIC by twisting around the pitch and speed levels. It's usually done to imitate the effect of (human) female vocals, although sometimes also done to simulate the effect of "Chipmunk" sounds... (This is also how they produce Britney Spears and Alvin & The Chipmunks Singles)

I got a couple of samples on my profile, check it out. Want to know how it's done? Well, I got the audio file (.mp3, .avi, .aac, .m4a, most common audio formats) and ran it through WavePad Sound Editor... There's an option of "Pitch and Speed" in the upper corner (or just Pitch and just Speed if you're more risky)... Pitch usually does it itself but it sometimes gets cracky.

Basically, you increase the pitch and the speed of the audio file, and if you want to decrease it, well... That's how you get boar sounds and all that good stuff.

(Another epic post)

Monday, February 1, 2010

You KNOW You Really Pushed IT When...

Okay, EVERYONE get son my nerves every now and then, but I don't hate you because you totally pissed me off... I only hate it when you're CONSISTENTLY pissing me off. And how do you know if you're consistently pissing me off (other than the fact I am CLEARLY ignoring you)? Well, I put together a list of WHY I hate some of you people so much (sorted by least to greatest).

  1. You Just Don't Want To Talk To Me In Public When it comes to the cyber world or messaging, yeah, you can't shut up w/ your 500-messages-a-minute policy, but when it comes to the real world, your like "Oh, I don't know him. He's kind of ugly though." First of all, I have feelings, but more importantly... That is just plainly annoying (and the precursor of heartbreak) [ Note: That explains WHY it's so low on my "hate" list because well... yeah ]
  2. You Try To Help And You Make Things A LOT Worse Than What They Were This goes to those people who in various subjects, in abstraction, music, and relationships, thougth they could help me become a better person then who I am (the only one that has ever succeeded would be my parents). Unfortunately most of them ruined my life. Made the person I used to like hate me, make me suck even more... Well, at least you tried. [ I realize you tried to help, that's nice knowing ]
  3. You Love To Press The Little Details In Life Yes, it's true that your trashy little life isn't perfect and it's never going to be perfect, but that's not my issue, that's YOURs. I accept the fact that if my life is miserable, it's going to BE miserable until otherwise. You should too, and stop picking on the fact that it's NOT and you can fix it. But... if you must keep on pressing the significant changes that must be made in life (like making the line 1/64" lower), then here's one... stop that rumbunctious mouth from destroying the earth with its horrid sound. [ I realize every now and then I go douche and do that too ]
  4. You KNOW that WE KNOW, But You Still Say "No" It's kind of obvious when you're blushing, not looking, and stuttering, that you've obviously got something that you're hiding, and that we FOUND OUT. So be Mr. Oh-There's-Something-Going-On and realize that there IS something going on. [ I still can realize that you don't want to tell always, but c'mon dude, it's obvious ]
  5. You Think You Know It All, You Know NOTHING Everyone feels like they're a special someone, like they're better than everyone else deep down (even if they claim they're a total loser and act like one on the outside) and you know what, that's okay. But you got to consider the fact somethimes, you're NOT Mr. Right or Mrs. Perfect, and maybe someone gets the fact that you're well... just plain annoying. So stop rubbing it in everyone's face that you got a 95% and that you only studied for 5 minutes, because there are a LOT of things in this world that you have no fucking idea about. [ Sometimes I have those kinds of attitudes too ]
  6. You Just Don't Get It I just don't like explaining things to people who don't catch up, or even the ones that catch on after a LOT of effort. There's an Alice In Chains song "Dirt" and some of the lines like "Just don't get it" (see title)... Well basically, I KNOW you need the help, and sometimes I want to give it, but SOMETIMES I DON'T. And you got to learn fast because I would prefer to teach fast. [ I realize that you're kind of doomed anyway so why hate you too much? And you chew up so much time and effort ]
  7. You Think Life Is ALL About Winning And If You Lose Than The World Will Fall Over See, we're all going to lose sooner or later, whether in this life or in what comes after. And you know what, I get the fact that losing isn't epic, and that sometimes it BURNS to lose, but guess what? Life is going to move on, whether you do or not. So pick up, get a life, and realize... you know what? I've lost before, so it's not like I'm god and you're not, it's just that I accept that I can't be. [ I realize I was like this at one point when I was a little point, but you know what? I grew up. ]
  8. You Don't Get When It's NOT Funny And When It's NOT COOL (And You Don't Get When It IS Funny) You just love laughing at the stupidest and most retarted aspects of this confounded life and you just generally enjoy taking stupid shit and glamorizing it... And then of course you take your um... douche-y to another by taking a perfectly rational statement and going "Oh, that's stupid" [ This is starting to get to the point where there's no slack or possibility, but simply just annoying and more annoying ]
  9. You ALWAYS Refer Back To Facebook Profiles Okay, you want to know something that's NOT on Facebook? It's not life. There's more to life than the flashy blue-and-white (pathetic) interface of Facebook, and if you don't then well, I think you should go get a life. I'm not going to list 100% of my secrets and my little trashy personal stuff on an Internet Profile... Want to guess why America has high Identity Theft Rates? [ This has made me want to quit Facebook on several occassions but I am constantly pressured to go back. ]
  10. You INVADE My Privacy I wrote a whole article on how someone invaded my privacy by looking under the stalls, and they've tried to stalk me since (I got REALLY bent out of shape and started swearing)and you know what? It's just REALLY not cool, REALLY inappropriate, and REALLY immature. Shut up, get out of my life, NO SLACK.
I have NEVER before tried using styling on my blog, I don't know if it helps emphasize my point or not, but I do know it consumes a LOT of time.

AM Taxi

Download "Mistake" by Am Taxi

AM Taxi is a brand new band signed to Virgin Records. Their debut comes out later this year... This is the song "Mistake", which is available off their website or here.

Be sure to check out their myspace and buy their debut record!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Respect My Privacy. Just Respect It

(It's kind of crude so like... take discretion)

Okay, I get the fact that half of you have no sense of maturity or realistic mental development, and that's a serious problem that someone else in your miserable life will have to deal with and I will have no participation upon... But that goes for some other time.

So what point do I want to make to you? (It gets a little um... duragatory after this point, read with discretion) RESPECT MY FUCKIN' PRIVACY. DON'T GO INVADIN' MY SPACE UNLESS YOU WANT THE SAME KIND OF DAMN SHIT BACK ON YOU.

How do you think I got to this point (well, fuck off, some bitch obviously invaded my privacy, DUH)?

I was going around at lunch, walking to the bathroom, when some people stop me. Old classmates. (Complications happened recently) They want to knowlike... if I like this girl or not (well if I never told you that means I don't want to fucking tell you yet) and so they start followin... STALKING me, asking.

Then I get this ache to go use the bathroom. I mean like in the behind. So can I just go into my stall of privacy and go use the restroom in peace?

(Okay, if you're straight, the answer is yes. You wouldn't like to be seen with THAT showing, would you?)

No. You get your little fucking minion and turn him into a real-life wanker by sticking that cock-fag under the bathroom door? That's not just disgusting beyond the grasp of imagination, well it is in fact, but it's just sick. Gay.


(Thank you)
This Article Also Available At:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Stupid Moron Industry Part 1

Okay, okay, what market do you think will prosper in the 202nd Decade? Economists say we'll be seeing real big booms in areas like commodities and consumer products... I mean sure those areas are always going to good, because if there's no customer, WHAT IS THERE?

Obviously if something's going to push the technological or scientific indistries its going to be some radical discovery - telescopes descover E.S.s on some sort of Super-Earth Planet that seem to be designing some sort of outer-planetary nuclear weaponry to destroy the race of humans and we have 24 hours to negotiate peace treaties with them or 2 million species go extinct...

If that happens then you know two things. First of all, you've been watching too much TNT or BBC. You really need to take it down a notch when it comes to watching cable (by the way, cable is EXPENSIVE). But more importantly, you're in the world of the Stupid Moron Industry. Now this is the 101 on it!

Okay, so how does the SM Indsustry Work? Well, I'll take iPhone Users as an example. First of all, you have those iNerds; the guys that will quite literally tear apart their iPhone on the Dev App and on the desk before them.

And then of course; you have the total morons. They think they know their phone but literally, people have been able to crack the password in faster time. Using a cracker.

These morons; you can't really blame them. Technology just took a huge curve in the 21st Century; over a hundred years ago people would stand around a lightbulb and watch it go on and off with excited comments... "Oh! It works!" "Margie, It's Wonderful!" (If you still do that today, then you've achieved lv. 2 of being a stupid moron)

So anywy, someone's got to help all these people tie their shoes and fix their stuff... That's where this Industry Comes in.

So now, I'm going to teach you (over the course of several posts with some untimely interruptions) HOW I want to perceive history and why it happens.

(Sorry for anyone who got called a Stupid Moron. I will try to find a more constructive way of stating the truth.)